Monday, May 18, 2009

Not reform but adore!!

Psalm 51:1-2 Have mercy on me,O God, according to your unfailing love: according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.
This Psalm was written after Nathan confronted David's affair.. David is begging God to deliver him, David knows the high cost of sin, he had to be in agony over all he had done.. When sins reigns over a believer, it always separates them from God, not is relationship but in fellowship...Here David comes to God begging for his mercy, you know God welcome him into his presence.. In his presence is where we all long to be.. but sin and holy never keep the same place so how can this be? Paul talks a lot about the struggle we have with flesh and wanting to be holy and blameless before God....
I was raised with lots of rules but learned that legalism totally ignores the holy spirit and our relationship with God and others. Its focus is negative...The rules, instead of limiting our sins, defines sin..... giving our attention to sin and then we desired it more than desiring the one who we were trying to keep the rule for....The answer to having victory over sin is learning to worship... not reform but to Adore the Savior!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Green thumb, I have NOT!!!

It is spring here in NC, I love it!! Well, not all of it... like the green pollen that coats your car and everything outside,If you are like me and have your windows open it coats everything inside too!
I have been driving a lot lately and seeing all the different trees bloom and flowers, It is SO beautiful.. God knew exactly what he was doing, He is very artistic! I can see him, in his creation and It makes me love him all the more, also, Makes me smile to know that he loves color, I love color , I am trying to use them all in my house ;o)
I was talking to a woman, who really does have a green thumb. I asked her about these flowers she had , they were so pretty She told me about them and how that they moved with the sun, When the sun was straight up in the sky, they stood straight up and when it moved, they would move and when the sun began to go down, then they would follow and go down .At night they closed because there was no sun. It amazed me! I would love to tell you what she called them, she had the right technical name for them but to me they were just pretty flowers..... I know, I know, I am into the details,NOT, Sorry!
As I thought about those flowers and watched them do exactly what she said,Up with the sun and follow the sun and went down with the sun. It made me think about my relationship with Jesus.. Do I follow Him, Am I up with Him, Do I even know what He is doing around me? Or am I wanting to bloom all on my own and asking Him to come and shine on Me?
The bible says, look at creation and you will know of him... It is true, even the flowers can teach you to ....... Bloom where you are planted and Follow the Son!