Monday, February 22, 2010

From Windows of the Soul

When you feel your strength is sapped, remember and rejoice!

Join me in this prayer from Ken G. book,
"Windows of the Soul"

Help me, God,

To realize it is in being crippled that I learn to cling, and in limping that I learn to lean, that victory comes not in how courageously I struggle but in how completely I surrender, and that this is how I am to grow, by being defeated,
decisively, by constantly greater things.

Help me to understand that Your power is perfected in weakness,
so that when I am rendered weak,
You are given the opportunity to be shown strong.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Just Breathe

Breathing.. you know I must admit, I take it for granted.. I breathe everyday and do not think about it.. Not until it is hard to do...

I remember when I was younger, having the wind knocked out of me when I fell and landed on my back... and then watching my little boy gasp for air as we try to get him to cough up a candy stuck in His throat...It is a very Scary thing...

Well, this week I had my spiritual breathe knocked out of me..I was in disbelief.. I couldn't catch my breathe.. I was in a daze.. watching the world go around and people going about their business .. I wanted to scream and Say..Hey!! don't you care...I was angry , hurt and so sad, feeling all alone.. I had a hard time even trying to talk to God cause I didn't even know where to begin...I even ask God, Why?. I knew He must be hurting too!

I had been here before.. all due to my own Bad choices ..The shame and burdens of sins had knocked me down and I felt like I couldn't' breathe.. but this time it was different.. It was watching someone else get Hit and Knocked out of breathe. I could not help.We cried together but I know she felt all alone and I had nothing to offer..As I sat to try and talk with God and study His word,He so sweetly reminded me that....

Psalm 22:1-11 "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
Jesus spoke them from the cross (Matt. 27:46), but they were first spoken by David when he was going through a severe trial.
Jesus Christ was forsaken that we might not be forsaken. God the Father forsook His Son on the cross when He was made sin for us (II Cor. 5:21).
We cannot be forsaken because the Savior was forsaken in our place. We can't be forsaken because of His promise to never leave or forsake us (Heb. 13:5). We cannot be forsaken because of His abiding and eternal presence with us (Matt. 28:20). We cannot be forsaken because of His purpose to work all things together for good to those who love Him (Rom. 8:28). And what is His purpose? That we might be conformed to the image of His Son (Rom. 8:29). David became a beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus Christ. And he had to suffer to do it. In spite of your circumstances and feelings, remember: God will not forsake you.

When you go through trials, your circumstances and feelings can deceive you into thinking God has forsaken you. But the Bible promises us that He will never forsake you. Next time you feel forsaken, remember that God is always true to His Word ..Trust In the Lord with all your might and Lean NOT unto your own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge HIM...He will direct your path..
He will breathe new life into you!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Awwww So Refreshing....

I remember the good old Coke commercials, that would show a person on a hot day drinking a icy cold Coke and then say Awwww.. Just watching it , you felt your thirst quenched...(Then they might start singing I'd like to teach the World to sing...;oD Just kidding, but I like those commercials too)

There is nothing like a vacation where you can totally rest For me a change of scenery or Even just spending an evening with with my Man or family or with girlfriends refreshes me...

But to be Refresh from the Lord is like none other...

Acts 3:19 "Repent,then and turn to God, so that your sin may be wiped out, that times of Refreshing may come from the Lord."... This verse really open my eyes to to the fact that I asked God to forgive me and thank the Lord, He has! He saved me but the daily confession is like refreshment to our Souls...

There is a lot of us walking around with unconfessed sins that are weighing us down and we are wondering why we are parched,weighed down,weary, or discouraged....
When we confess sin daily, we walk away Refreshed, cleansed and ready to be filled and walk in the Spirit...
The verse says "Repent".. "turn to God".. so many days I am in a hurry or before bed so tired... I say God, please forgive me of sinning( but I don't name it) then I go on my merry way.. I haven't Turn to God.. so then I find myself right back where I started with a weary soul, all the while wondering why am I here again???..

God wants to refresh us... He is asking that I repent and return to Him...
"Oh soul are you weary and troubled ?" Maybe You need to Repent and Return to Him and He will Refresh YOU!!!

My prayer is that I will quickly Repent and Return to Him, And that He will make me eager to wear His righteousness and Holiness , just as He was to wear MY SINS!!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Obstacle in Our Path

I was sent this from a friend of mine and thought I'd share it ..Author Unknown..

The obstacle in Our Path.

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a Roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if Anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the King's' wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by And simply walked around it..

Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did Anything about getting the stone out of the way.

Then a peasant came along carrying a load of Vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded.

After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway.

The peasant learned what many of us never understand!
Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Go Tell it , to the EAR

Today at the preschool I work at.. I saw from across the Hall a Kid talking to what I thought looked like a Kidney bean.. but She was talking away.. Then later I saw a little boy do the same thing.. I was curious as to why theses cute Kids were talking to a Bean.. The teacher told me that the Kids were tattling on each other and so she made a EAR (The Kidney BEAN) and Posted it on the wall and when they tattled, She would say.. "Go tell it, to the ear".. it was funny to see them talk to this fake looking ear.......

I thought about that through out this whole day and driving home,I was thanking God that He lets me tattled to Him!! Tonight as I sat down to study. I couldn't believe what it was about..You guessed it.. Jesus listening..

Christ not only speaks, He listens...Not, to learn anything because He already knows it all!! but He allows me to Tattled to Him.. He allows me to share my hurts, desires, my heartaches.. because He loves me and wants to hear from me!!

Psalms 55:16-7-.. I will call on the Lord, morning ,noon and Night,Pleading Aloud.. I love that!! cause sometimes I Can get loud...

Hebrews 5:7- Christ pleaded God,praying with tears and agony of soul.... To the Only and One ,who would save Him....See, that is the key... He knew Who to go to..

I have been like the kids.. tattling to a "Fake Ear"...when all along, the fake Ear can't hear or do anything about it.... As funny as it was see the kids talking to the EAR.. It must be Sad to my Father watch me, Talk to or Trust In.. FAKE EARS, When He is willing and waiting to Listen to me...

Thank You Father God, that You are Not fake, but Alive and REAL..In MY Life.. Thank you that I can trust You with everything.. here I come Lord, Running to your mercy seat... Ready to Tattle In Your EAR.. Love YOU!!!

Run ,Girls, Run..Go tell it to HIS EAR!!!!