Saturday, June 6, 2009

I am ashamed

This past week I went to see my mom and grandma. I had a wonderful time. I realized again how blessed I am to have come from these great women. Women of faith , prayer and love, always giving themselves away.......
I have always tried to value people for who they are,Not what they looked like , did or any power they had. I kind of even at times could be prideful about it. Well, I was confronted with how far I have NOT come, I saw someone who, when I was in school was not popular, not pretty ( the world standards,) Many made fun and ignored this person.... But this week, I was faced with myself and it did not look good. God reveled my ugly side . I am ashamed that I still , Even though, if i did not say it, I thought it!! But as I watched and listen to this person, I saw God's love and a person that has Joy beyond, what the world has to offer, someone who is dependable, hard worker, pleasant, sweet spirit, loves God, family and people. In a world where people are angry at everyone and their situations. She had and has some very good reason to be Bitter and she isn't... You can see Jesus all over her .... So as I face Jesus this week. I left a changed person. I pray that when people leave me, they are changed because they see Jesus in me!


Grace on the Narrow Path said...

FAB POST! I have not heard from you in a while my friend. Hope you are having a great summer!

kay said...

i love when God uses what others consider beneath them to teach us stuff. He's so cool like that!