This weekend I was able to get away with some girlfriends for a
SWAG weekend ( Southern Women Aging Gracefully)... It was a great time of fun and fellowship.. The scenery was awesome!! I love the Mountains.... As I was able to see the sun rise over the Mountain tops .. I told God "IF only" I had this porch that looked over the mountains.. I would be closer to Him. be able to spend time with HIM... I said the same thing when I was at the beach looking over the Ocean or at my friends house sitting on her dock looking over the river .. or ????? I realized that I say "If only" a lot.. If only,I didn't have to be at work so early, if only my kids would sleep in.. If only this or if only that!!!!
My friend brought a devotion this weekend that drilled this home to me Once again( I am a slow learner, thank God,He is patient with me)... She talked about our Sanctuary and where and what is it.. God reminded me that it is where He and I are at in fellowship with each other.. if that is true then it is everywhere.. in the car going to work.. in the bathroom as I get ready.. as I clean... I do understand we need time away.. even Jesus took time away to spend with the Father.. but If I kept looking at it, as a certain place or it had to be a certain time or a certain ritual.. OH how I would miss what He had for me during the day.. I would miss HIM !!!..
There are a lot of buildings called churches that He is not at.. If it had to be a certain look or way.. then those who are in the jungles or those in the prisons would not be able to have a sanctuary???? Paul had he most awesome fellowship and ministry for God in Prison.... Some of us are walking around free outside but inside we are in bondage.. to lies, to rules.. to tradition, to fear to ???.. Saying to ourselves and maybe others.. If only I could... or If Only I had....
Psalms 95: 1-7 Oh come let us sing to the Lord! Give a joyous shout in honor of the Rock of our salvation. Come before Him with thanksgiving hearts Let us sing Him psalms of praise. For the Lord is a great God. the great King of all gods. He controls the formation of the depths of the earth and the mightiest mountains all are His. He made the sea and formed the land, they too are His.
Come,kneel before the Lord our Maker for He is our Shepherd. Oh that you would hear Him calling you today and come to HIM!!!
1 comment:
Hey Lisa,
I am glad you were able to get away with your friends. Sounds like you girls had a lot of fun and fellowship!!!
Yes my friend I often say to the Lord "if only" too. I do long for a peaceful place to spend time with the Lord . . . our homes and even some of our churches can distract our "soul" attention from our Precious Saviour. I love you my friend. Hope you and everyone are healthly and happy.
Is Dwayne OK? Joey saw the wreck and intervened when the other driver became violent.
Let's get together soon. Please keep me posted if they have any openings at your work.
Your sister in Christ,
PS sorry this is so long
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