Monday, February 8, 2010

Go Tell it , to the EAR

Today at the preschool I work at.. I saw from across the Hall a Kid talking to what I thought looked like a Kidney bean.. but She was talking away.. Then later I saw a little boy do the same thing.. I was curious as to why theses cute Kids were talking to a Bean.. The teacher told me that the Kids were tattling on each other and so she made a EAR (The Kidney BEAN) and Posted it on the wall and when they tattled, She would say.. "Go tell it, to the ear".. it was funny to see them talk to this fake looking ear.......

I thought about that through out this whole day and driving home,I was thanking God that He lets me tattled to Him!! Tonight as I sat down to study. I couldn't believe what it was about..You guessed it.. Jesus listening..

Christ not only speaks, He listens...Not, to learn anything because He already knows it all!! but He allows me to Tattled to Him.. He allows me to share my hurts, desires, my heartaches.. because He loves me and wants to hear from me!!

Psalms 55:16-7-.. I will call on the Lord, morning ,noon and Night,Pleading Aloud.. I love that!! cause sometimes I Can get loud...

Hebrews 5:7- Christ pleaded God,praying with tears and agony of soul.... To the Only and One ,who would save Him....See, that is the key... He knew Who to go to..

I have been like the kids.. tattling to a "Fake Ear"...when all along, the fake Ear can't hear or do anything about it.... As funny as it was see the kids talking to the EAR.. It must be Sad to my Father watch me, Talk to or Trust In.. FAKE EARS, When He is willing and waiting to Listen to me...

Thank You Father God, that You are Not fake, but Alive and REAL..In MY Life.. Thank you that I can trust You with everything.. here I come Lord, Running to your mercy seat... Ready to Tattle In Your EAR.. Love YOU!!!

Run ,Girls, Run..Go tell it to HIS EAR!!!!

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