Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jacob

Feb.6 1995.. God made a beautiful baby boy. On May 13th God brought that baby boy into our family and blessed our lives. I have lots of crazy stories about my kids, they are not perfect, just look at their parents and you will see why but they are all great kids, full of life, and fun, OK, I could go on and on, I always get mushy around my kids birthdays.
I was told when I was very young that I could never have children, so to have three, is such a blessing to me. While they all did not come through me... They all have my heart. This weekend we celebrate our son Jacob's 14th birthday and I can not celebrate his birthday without thinking about the woman(or at the time the girl) who made one of the hardest decisions of her life, to do an unselfish thing by giving him to a family who has been so privilege to be His parents. While I have never met this woman, We will always be bonded.. We both love this boy... I know she thinks of him on this day ... one of my prayers is, that God would comfort her and assure her that she did what was right. I pray , that one day they will met and when they do, they will both know God had ordained it all, even if it is not here on earth, that it will be in Heaven...
So today, I say thank you, to the birth mother, for giving Him life and allowing us to be a part of it . I say Thank you to God, who knew him in his mothers womb and knew this child would change this mother forever!!!


Grace on the Narrow Path said...

I can't believe Jacob is fourteen now! He is a cutie! God bless you sister friend. Tell Jacob we said "Happy Birthday". Caleb turned 14 in October. Time sure does fly!
God bless you,

Back in the Day said...

What a wonderful birthday wish!