Monday, February 23, 2009

Pet Peeves

I read a Blog by a Pastor name Perry Noble and while I have never met Him, I hear how God is using Him and his ministry to reach lost people and he is so real in his blogs.. His latest one was about His Pet Peeves .... so I was thinking about mine... here goes my list:

1- Women who smoke while pregnant - I just want to smack them!!
2- People who drive slow ,in the fast lane ( WHY, People, WHY ??????)
3- People who try to control me by sweet talking me.. come on, that is my job!!!
4- Adults who talk mean to children, calling them names---Don't get me started on this one!!!
5- People who say they want to serve God but are waiting on their spouse to serve, cause they want to serve God together.. Give me a break... Do ya wait on your spouse to eat, work or think ?....
6- People who use traditions and say it is holy and from God.. Read the Bible....
7-People who Judge others and think they are right and justify everything they do
8-People who have no Mercy

OUCH!!!!! Excuse me, While I get the honking beam out of my of my own eye..... All this time,I thought I was looking at others and I was looking in a Mirror!

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