Thursday, February 5, 2009

Clean or Dirty Dishes to Serve you on?

I am glad that as I write this I can honestly say I have no dirty dishes in my sink.. Now it was a different story last night but we are talking about NOW .....
I have been trying to get organized.. ( those who know me don't laugh ,God still does miracles) my pictures, in closets and under my cabinets in my Kitchen.. I have found so many things that I forgot all about .. In one of my cabinets I found many vases . You'd think I get flowers all the time looking , at looking all these vases .
I looked a these vases and remembered where some of them came from and others I had no clue.I have to say, some were cleaner than others, I think Charlotte had spun her web in some of them and it spelled 'WASH ME"!
This Morning, I was reading 2Timothy 2:20-22...In it it talks about how in houses we have dishes for company and then the ones we use daily bases.... You know the ones with the chips and cracks and maybe stained from microwaving sauce in them.... I guess ,I am confessing here!
Back to the His Word.. He talks about keeping ourselves Pure and Holy staying away from sin, that we will be like the dishes, Vases, (vessel) that are useful for the Master, prepared for every good work!
What does this look like? I asked myself... God answered Me with these thoughts.....
Love Him with a Love that surpasses anything and anyone. Respect and revere His word and understand that he has given it to me for my benefit. To Hide His word in my heart so that I am not attracted to sin and will run from evil,thoughts,words and deeds . Seek the power of the Holy Spirit to enable me to do what is right and let Christ be formed in me...Wheeew.. "No problem God"... I thought... he answered me again and said " Surrender'".. your will for mine, your way for mine, your desires for mine... your possessions for Me.... Your past, present and future for mine! Allow me to Clean your dirty dishes. Even the ones you forgot about and not sure when or how they got dirty. "Let me clean them" cause I desire for you to be a vessel of Honor, sanctified and useful for Me, to use, to Serve Others!!!

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