Friday, October 10, 2008

To be right or righteous?

With this being a political year, It has def. stir up lots of emotions in people. Myself included.
I have to admit, I love to argue with people about it all. You , might say i have a confrontational personality. I love hearing their side but I want them to hear my side and I want to Change them !!!! I have even got angry with people and Judge them for their views. Which God has reminded me to be angry and Sin Not Ephesians 4:26. Which is hard to remember in the heat of a Debate. God has taught me over the years, to check my motives!!!! Am i more interested in being RIGHT or being Righteous?..... I would love to say being righteous, but in all honesty being right has been my motivation for most argument I have been in whether political or in my marriage, with my kids,etc.... from the silly to the serious.
I love the fact that David in the Psalms tattles to God about His enemy and how God should destroy them He calls down cures on them, He was angry , because of the Sin, not because he was saving face for himself. Big difference!!!
So as I talk with my friends and neighbors about political things, I am reminded .. to check my motives...Is it to be right or to be righteous?


Anonymous said...

Great post Lisa,
We have been having email discussions with family about all the varying political views. I haven't really brought it up much with friends...becuase i am all about trying to avoid confrontation, but you are so right our ultimate goal is to be righteous, not right! Thanks for the lesson.

Unknown said...

Why did you have to go and blog about being right or righteous?? Can we be both??