Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mixed Emotions

Yesterday, We as a nation voted and I love the fact that we have the freedom to do so.
While I did not vote for Obama, My heart was filled with alot of emotions and crying as I watched many others , Many thought we'd never see this day. Many cried cause they have worked very hard and Many have given their lives so that this day would come. I was so excited for them. I know as a white woman, I could never really understand all the emotions that I saw but as a Parent of two children who are black, I am filled with alot of excitement for them ,to know that NO More, can anyone tell them they can't be President of the USA, ( Our history has told them that and many other Cant's ) but No More!!! While I am not naive to think that prejudice doesn't exist anymore, It does help to have a biracial President. Thank God we have come along way and I am proud of this country for that.
I say all that .... then I look at what this country DID vote for, My heart hurts for alot of things that we differ on, but mostly for the unborn and marriage act, which he is against.
On my drive to work this morning, I talk to God about it cause He created and loves us both , He was not surprised by the results! He let me know that while I may have wanted to put my trust in a President, I need to put my trust in God, He can trusted!!!
I need to let my love for my Lord show more than my wanting to focus on the things that are wrong with the President. I need to pray for him and his family, and all those he chooses to put in charge. I need to pray for this nation and the world we live in. I need to pray for the body of Christ, that we as a church , will stand for God, not for ourselves, not for our rights, but for HIS righteousness!
So I am learning when I have mixed emotions, go to God who created me cause He can handle them ALL!!!!!!! He can be Trusted with me , with my emotions and with the USA!!!!


kay said...

that's the exact same thing i'm feeling!! i know that God is totally in control of everything and he knew who was going to win this election before time began. we do need to pray for this president. and for the state of our country.

i cried watching the crowds last night. it was so emotional in so many ways!!

Anonymous said...

I am excited! God has orchestrated it all! Just confirms to me that Jesus will return soon! :) Love ya! (Yay I found your blog)