Friday, January 15, 2010

John did it ,.Mary did it.,...Have YOU ?

Remember being a kid ,telling your parents, My friends did it, how come I can't? That didn't work well with my parents..

But I am here to say...John did it ,Mary did it.. Have YOU?

Luke 1:41.."When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting,the baby leaped inside her..." In the Womb,John jumped for joy..In the presence of His Lord....

Luke 1:47-Mary says.." My spirit rejoices in God my savior." ..( Original word for rejoices meaning to.. exult, Leap for JOY, to show Joy by leaping and skipping, often spoken of rejoicing with song and Dance )

As I read this,.. it struck me, that abortion is killing of a Baby. John Leap in his mother womb, He knew he was in Jesus presence... but I won't go into Abortion

My Little girl, Loves to sing and dance around..She doesn't walk , she skips everywhere, I love to watch her.. My mother said I was the same way.. I do remember making up songs for my mom, She was so sweet to listen to me as if It was the best song, she ever heard...We laugh about it today .. Cause I am NOT a writer, singer nor a dancer.. Watching My little girl dance around with Joy, Brings me JOY.. ( BTW- Her Middle name is JOY).. I thought of How it must have brought God the Father such pleasure when, John leaped for Joy and Mary Leaped for JOY !

I thought about the things I get excited about.. like: Dallas Cowboys football,My son's games, a vacation, My kid's rooms clean ..etc..
I was sad when I realized that many times that I have missed God presence and what He is doing around me cause I am focused on MY stuff.. If Jesus walked in the room,would I Leap for JOY? When He is working in church service but I am focusing on music too loud? or who is there? What are they wearing? When He is working and answering prayers for others, do I Leap for JOY?

Mary Leaped for Joy, that God ,whom she Heard about through His word ,Would choose her, to carry out His plan.
This same God, chose me, to Know Him and serve Him...My prayer is that I too will Leap for JOY and NEVER ,EVER ,Get Over IT!!!

Great exercise.. Leaping for JOY!!!

1 comment:

Grace on the Narrow Path said...

Beautiful my friend. I love that Diamond skips everywhere. I did the same thing when I was little. I am still hoping we can get together one day for coffee and chat.
God bless you my friend.