Wednesday, January 21, 2009


When I was growing up , I wrestled with my brother and daddy all the time. I loved it. I was not much of a sissy girl. We would wrestle until either I had to go to the bathroom or could not get up and we had to claim a winner. Well.. God blessed me....I had two boys... my oldest son loved to wrestle w/ me and he would fight with all his might. We would wrestle until whoever pinned each other down had to say.. whatever the winner wanted them too. Like... if I was the winner I would make him say " Mom, you are the BEST mom in the world and YOU ARE the WINNER!!!!"
Both of my boys would laugh and try not to say it but I loved to hear it.I know most mothers hear it a different way but however I can...... Now that I am older and can't get off the floor,and they are a lot stronger than me, we play "King of the rug," .. it is standing and pushing each other off the rug... lots easier on the joints.
I was reading in Genesis 32:24-26 , Here Jacob heard that his brother was coming to see him....(remember what he did to Esau, stole His birthright and His blessing,I'd be scared too!) so Jacob divided His men and sent them ahead- Brave man he was! I can relate to Him.
Now he was left alone...he wrestled with a "man" Jacob later name that place"I have seen the face of God" Jacob wrestle w/ Him even to the point of dislocating his thigh with just a touch. Yet, Jacob, did not give up!!! He told Him.. "I will not give up unless you bless me" ...
Then God said"you will be known as Israel " For you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed"
You know, when I am alone, I can wrestle.. thoughts, doubts, fear, shame...... But reading this. Reminds me not to give up! but hold on to God, hold on to my time alone with Him. When I am alone with Him, He can speak to me without distractions, any influences of this world. When I am alone with Him I can pour out all my stuff! I can wrestle with Him and He teaches me (by pinning me down, I say, You are the winner and the best God in the world!!! )I have more of an intimate relationship with Him and My life is changed!
So in this busy life we all lead.. take time to be alone.....Spend time with Him...All wrestling is not bad!

1 comment:

the burchard bunch said...

woo hoo!! look at your new layout:) And you did it all by yourself!! I'm so proud!!

It's really does suit you perfectly.. see you on Tuesday.