Monday, March 23, 2009

A Magic Wand.... Please?

You know when you are a little girl, all those stories of happily ever after were awesome, on so many levels. For one you got the prince , the castle and beautiful dress!! But what I really needed was the magic wand! If I could have that, then life would be so much better... I would not have any troubles. All I would have to do is wave the magic wand and Voila... all would be better!! Dishes done, house clean, laundry finished, money in the bank, pumpkins would be my mode of transportation, Mice would be men, hummm ;o)
Well, I must admit, I would love to have a magic wand waved over me! Becoming the person God's longs for me to be doesn't happen over night. The older I get the more I understand Paul when he says.. the things I want to to do , I don't and the things I don't want to do, I do!
If I could wave the wand and then the Woman of Faith, Mary,( Martha's sister) or the Proverbs 31 Woman ,would appear. How cool would that be !
This transformation is a process of walking daily with Him. Asking him to penetrate every fiber of MY being. Surrendering to his will and allowing him to mold me, change me! And little by little the process happens!
Ecclesiastes 3:11 'He has made EVERYTHING beautiful in its time"
Have Hope, during the shaping time, He is molding you!
I don't need a magic wand. I need HIM!!!

1 comment:

Grace on the Narrow Path said...

I love the analogy of the magic wand and our changed lives in Jesus.
Check out my site for a give-a-way! Just click on comments under the posting and tell me how and when you came to know Jesus as your Savior.
Hope to hear from you soon.
God bless you,