Sunday, August 31, 2008

no more slide show

I deleted the slide show of people I did not know ;o)
Hopefully one day I will be able to put a slide show together of people I do know!!
Let's not hold our breath ;oO

Our son was baptized today

Today, our middle son who is 13, was baptized. Duane ( my man) was able to perform it and he got choked up, and well, I did too. I remember when our son, ask Jesus in his heart, A friend of ours , who was his teacher at church led him to the Lord, and he has always said he did it, even when we as parents wondered, if he was too young or wondered if he did totally understood it .
Well, God reminded me, that childlike faith, is all ya need and in Luke 18, Jesus stresses Childlike faith, he welcomes it, he wants us all to come to him in childlike faith for EVERYTHING!!!
When you really think about this, it is hard, the childlike faith he was talking about was not toddlers but infant, he wants me to be depend on Him, Trust him, realize I need him, and expect him to come through for me. Depend, trust, realize, and expect!!, I am only human , how can i do this?... childlike faith
It is just like God to be an 'Out of the box " God.
Why can't he have us be mature, religious people, that would be easier but as a child, a simple relationship, that is what he wants .
God- I want that too!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I wonder....hummmmmm

Lots of things going on, first, I wonder ,how in the world did I get a slide show on my blog? HUMMMM

I have a squirrel that is laughing at me, he/ she sits on my deck eat my bird food and when i try to scare him, she just jumps from the deck to the trees and then back again. I wondering how to get rid of him HUMMMMMM

Then I am reading still about the friends who help their friend with His MAT, and tore open the roof and lowered him down, I wondered what the home owner thought Hummmm ;o)

I wondered if I would go through all that trouble , not caring what others thought, said or did, would I be willing to do the work it takes to tear open the roof and then lower my friend down. Do I do that ? I want to be that kind of friend, I want to be there for them, my intentions are good but do they match my actions, I wonder hummmmm

Intentions w/out actions, I wonder if that will be my next blog..hummmmmm

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Everybody has a Mat

In reading this morning, I read about the man in the Bible who was paralyzed and had to be carried by friends to see Jesus. After reading what truly this man went through, the fact that he even had friends was a miracle, cause back then people who were in that condition didn't they were outcast, even the kings wanted them dead at births and then the people thought they had sinned to have this done to them. Wow, I wondered if we have come along way since then.....
This man being totally depended on his friends, his trusting them with his being vulnerabilities. this mat should had created a wedge between he and them, instead became an opportunity for them to serve and love and value him as Jesus does us. Everyone o f us has a mat, something that should drive a wedge between us and them.. like drugs, fear, temper, need to be in control, or has a hard time to trust..... We all have a Mat, some of us pretend we don't cause we can make our mat look pretty or disguise it or Mask it..... But when we choose to live in community as this man did he allowed them to see his mat and to only see it but help carry it!!!! Wow what courage he had to be that vulnerable.
In my life I have had friends who have carried my mat and because they did, I was healed and restored. So today I asked myself ......
Am I living in community ,where I let others see my mat ,so that in those areas of my life that I need help, they carry my mat? And whose Mat do I need to carry?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Refreshing Others

In the Bible it saids... He who refreshes others, will himself be refreshed..
How can this be? We do not have time to do this and when you do, Aren't we tired? With all the demands of life, Are you sure you got this one right God?
Well, He does know all things, He said his burden is Lite, So how did we get so overloaded and off base with our lives that refreshing others became a burden???????
What hinders us? Time, money, resources, or Because we are not listening to God and doing our own thing. OK, I am guilty!!!
I am doing what is good but not always ,what is Best! I do have excuses, they sound good to me but when I compare them to the Word, Not some much anymore.
I think my mind is more busy than I am. When the committee in my head meets, they can have long meetings ;oO( OK, don't be scared, everyone has a committee meeting in their head, all the different choices and feeling and opinions)
Well, I love God, cause he whispers to me to be still and Know that He is God and when I do that, Then I can hear him when he tells me go and refresh them , give them water in my name, or let them go first in line at the store or let them cut in traffic or .......... and then I am Refreshed!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

God is awesome!!

Yesterday I had an interview for a job, and in the morning I was talking to God , while I was brushing my teeth, ( i love that we can talk to God anywhere) I ask Him if He had anything for me. He reminded me of the verse in Proverbs that "Even a Fool seems wise when he keeps his mouth shut" Ouch!! I love that about God, He does not pull any punches with me. NOW, If I will obey what He saids, That is the miracle.
I praise Him that His mercies are New every morning and Great is His faithfulness to Me!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Flipped remakrds

I must say this is a hard Post for me to write , cause I have been guilty of this so many times.
I have said something not really thinking about what I was saying or how it was going to affect someone .
This was brought to my mind ,when I heard something said about someone, they did not know but the words implanted a thought into my mind and If I choose to repeat it, (not even knowing if true or not) how it could hurt have them, and their ministry, It was a big Ouch to me!!!
God reminded of the times, that I had said things about others not meaning to hurt but they were careless words.... just thrown out there for the taking...( Satan's tool)
Proverbs 12:18 Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
I have been on both sides of reckless words.. and the sword cuts both ways, going in and coming out!!!
So my prayer today is:
Psalms 141:3 Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord, keep a watch over the door of my lips.
2 Timothy 2:16 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.
I pray my words are an encouragement to you..... Like honey!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sing , Sing, Sing

Last week I went to see the movie Momma Mia. I loved it. I have always loved musicals from The Sound of music, Grease, Phantom of the Opera to Momma Mia.
I love Music. I am so thankful to know God loves it too!! I love the fact that He is singing over ME, It made we wonder what was He singing ? What the names were ?
So just for fun I came up with a list (this is the short version) of some,I know have been my life's songs:
1- Born to be Wild
2- She is running a hundred mile an hour in the wrong direction
3-NO one ever care for me, Like Jesus
4-Great is thy Faithfulness, Lord unto ME
5-Living Life upside down
6-Reunited and feels so good
7-In Christ alone I place my trust, in the glory of the Power of the cross

Trust me this is the short version ;oO
It was neat to be able to go over my life and singing about it, and know that " Through it all I have learned to trust In Jesus", and Because He lives I can face tomorrow!!
OK, I will stop but I pray I never stop singing.
I want to encourage you to SING , Go ahead sing, Sing a Song, make is simple to last your whole life long, don't worry if it is not good enough for anyone else to hear, just SING, SING A SONG, LALALALA

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Normal? who is normal?

The book I am reading is so good.."Everybody is normal till you get to know them"
He talks about how in stores they have items that have a tags on them"as is" which is a good way of saying damaged goods or sightly irregular. It is a warning!! no returns, no refunds.
They might not tell you what the flaw is ,you have to search for it!!
It reminds me , that people do not come with these signs .
Some of us , you can see our flaws a mile away but most of us , people have to search.
They get to know you ( really know you) not the " Sunday morning You" but the one that is angry at the kids on the way to church or mad at the traffic cause it is bumper to bumper, or mad cause someone can't read the sign 12 items only lane and they have 32 items!!!
Or hurt by our spouse cause they do not think the way we do.
It is kind of funny how we think our family is the normal ones and our in-laws are not!!
We all have quirks, and flaws. So I guess we all are abnormal!!!
Yet, it is humbling, when ya think ,that our God made us for community, He wants all of us abnormal people ,who have many flaws and can pick the flaws of others out right away and so many times , are more than than willing do soooo , OUCH!!!
He wants us, to live in community, it is His hearts desire, He wants us to draw closer to each other and learn and grow and value each other, Just as He values us!!!
This is hard! Only God can give us wisdom, power, the tools and humor to do so!
I am thankful for God and the ones ,He has sent into my life that know all about me and love me anyway! He is an awesome God!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

24 years of marriage

This weekend My man and I are celebrating 24 Years of marriage. I have to say, it has gone by fast, but then again alot has happened and I mean alot has happened during those 24 years.

I can remember meeting him on campus, watching him as he nervously asked me out and I said "Yes" , which is one of the smartest things I have done in my life.
Our relationship has never followed the rules. We have never been the fairy tale couple you see on TV, unless you count Lucy and Ricky ;o) We aren't mushy and definitely not perfect...
We do everything " BIG" Laugh, Live, Fight, and Love!!!

But I have learned that it is all "Ours." The crazy jokes only we understand, the looks, and the smirks.
All the songs he can come up with, out of every word I say.

I have learned that I would rather be "Real" with Him than " fairy tale " with anyone else.
I thank God for allowing us to go and grow on this journey of Life and we are a testimony of only what God can do!!!
I don't know what He has in store for us but I know I want, Duane John Oyer, in My Life.
I know I love him more now that I did 24 years ago, but then again, I was only 19. What were you thinking honey?! I was young and you were.... Well, an Old man!!! hehehehehe
Happy 24Th Baby!!!