Tuesday, December 16, 2008

More than a Story

I love this season, it has always been my favorite holiday. I love the music., smells and lights,everything! The song" Mary did you know" has played many times on my radio since Halloween. I never grow tired of hearing it. Now Faith Hill has a new song" A baby changes everything" I cry after hearing that one. Ptl- He does change everything!
I guess as a mother, I wondered about so many things about my own kids. I always prayed that I would not see them on Sally Jesse Raphael , talking about their mother ;o0 ( thank God she is no longer on TV)
I always pray that My kids would follow Christ and love Him with all their hearts and love his people. Yes, I want them happy,healthy and enjoy life. But I can't imagine what it was like to have the Son of God, knowing that this baby who you cuddle and kiss and have grasp your fingers and pull your hair, would be the savior of the world, it so hard for me to wrap my mind around that!!!
She was called to a very special job, but also, this child would be different than her other kids, He had a special calling on his life, He would be God's son and her son ,Yet, he would be so much more-He would become her Savior.
This past weekend our pastor talked a little about Application vs Knowledge , Which was awesome and I could go on and on about that but I won't at this time......I know Mary had the knowledge that her son, would be the Savior but applying this would be hard.
I grew up in church, I am a preachers kid( OK, I know that explains alot, just remember it was the deacons kids fault;o)) I heard all about God and I love going to church, I had lots of knowledge, I even won many bible drills but as I got older and things happen and I made lots of wrong choices, Then I began to understand, God's love, mercy and grace. The bible and Jesus, were more than a story, more than History, as the song lyrics go... more than words on a page,.. He is the air I breathe, song that I sing, He is everything to me!!!
I am so grateful to God for choosing to use such a simple thing as motherhood to bring all people to himself!
So this season, celebrate more than the story, Celebrate Him!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Love celebrating HIM! So many forget him during this season. Love you sister friend, keep up the inspiring stories.

kay said...

i love to read your blog. it really brings stuff home for me!

thank you!

love ya