Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The real reason for the season!!!

This past Sunday, Pastor Todd talk about " Why did Jesus have to die? " I thought to myself, why talk death when this season is all about Jesus birth?????
But then He read John 12:27" Now my soul is deeply troubled. Should I pray, Father, save me from this hour? But this is the very reason I came!!"
This is the very reason I came!!!! It made sense that to talk about His death! Wow, talk about a purpose driven life, Jesus had it!
My kids and I have been counting down the days til Christmas and it has been so exciting especially now, we are at 2 days left but when we first started, we were at 21 days which seemed like.. eternity!!! but I wondered .... Jesus who came from Heaven and knew no time, when he came to earth..... what he thought when God said your time is up! The reason you came is Now!!
In the last days of His life, He was praised by people when he came into the city on a donkey, then he washed his disciple's feet, Then in John 17:20 He prayed for the followers , I love this cause ....that would be you and me!!!!!! He prayed for us!!!!
As I worship Him during this season, My heart over flows with gratitude and awe, that He came for me ! I am the reason, He paid a debt , He did not owe cause I had a debt, I could not pay !!
Jesus was born on this earth, then He stretched out His hands on the cross ,
doing it all to say..... I love you! You are the reason I came!!!!
Merry Christmas from the Oyers

1 comment:

Grace on the Narrow Path said...

I know there are many that forget the real reason for the season. Jesus was born to die for us. It is God's Divine Purpose. Without the birth of Jesus we would not have eternal salvation. Without the birth of Jesus we would not have a life at all. I thank God every day for saving my soul everday. Jesus is my reason for the season. Jesus is my reason for everything. God Bless you and Merry Christmas.